Adding a second face to your application's JavaScript
Media queries are great for visual tweaks and simple behavioral switches, but they become difficult to rely on when behaviors change for larger or smaller devices. Harvey helps you monitor and manage those changes by firing an event whenever your media query is activated.
This method is preferable to relying on a screen resize event because you only receive an event when the query is matched -- not for every screen resize. Less testing and more doing.
Harvey.attach('screen and (min-width:600px) and (max-width:900px)', {
setup: setup_function, // called when the query becomes valid for the first time
on: on_function, // called each time the query is activated
off: off_function // called each time the query is deactivated
Harvey was built for WalkaboutNYC, a free event in NYC that lets you explore NYC's finest tech companies. You can see it in action by viewing the site and resizing your browser. Note that some functionality changes as the browser scales.
To see it in action on this page, resize your browser and watch the apple device on the right change (to the most appropriate device for your resolution). You can see the currently active media query on the left:
On GitHub, of course:
Please direct all feedback, questions and issues to the issue management section.